Two electric motors sit on a pallet in a production factory.

Electrical problems can come in many forms. What seems like an issue with a motor may actually be an issue with the motor control center, or the wiring connecting the motor. Often, isolating these problems can be difficult. Thermal imaging helps discover problems fast. Operating a thermal imaging system while your electric motor runs highlights issues. Through an infrared camera, areas of excessive heat are pinpointed. This helps to address them before they cause even more harm. Catching an issue and resolving quickly, can preserve the life of your electric motor and other systems. And most importantly help reduce downtime.

Rocky Mount Electric Motor has trained and certified thermal imaging technicians. Using high- grade equipment to scan your motor and equipment, we help discover areas for service. We can provide you with a report listing items surveyed and images of any that show anomalies. It’s our goal to help every customer find the best solution for their electric motor operations. Through thermal imaging, we help you locate any temperature fluctuations with ease.

Thermal imaging pinpoints problems

Through thermal imaging, you can monitor different areas that may face trouble. Some things we look at include:

  • Outside the motor housing – A hot housing, or even hot spots on the outside of the housing, warrant further inspection for the real issue.
  • Loose connections – Connections that are not tight will show a significant heat rise. If unrepaired, it could cause the motor to single phase.
  • Fan Power – A simple, but sometimes overlooked solution comes with checking the convection cooling fan. Not all electric motors have them, but those that do need to have them inspected.
  • Windings in the motor – Transients or harmonics, when faced with excessive amounts of heat, may burn out windings done within the motor. This may then lead to overheating.
  • Bearings – Bearings that run hotter than normal through typically come from a misalignment problem. Other issues this may indicate include worn out bearings or under-lubricated bearings.

As you can see, although thermal imaging may not immediately solve a temperature problem, it helps to ensure the proper repair and maintenance is performed on the system. By working with professionals like Rocky Mount Electric Motor, you ensure proper imaging for your motors. Whether you know of an issue and want to confirm it or want to schedule future maintenance, we’re only a phone call away. Reach out to schedule your thermal imaging for electric motors today!